Monday, August 13, 2012


I lift my foot off the pedal, pausing the frantic buzzing of the machine to check my stitch. My hand stops mid-air and automatically moves to turn the handwheel as I notice the needle out of the fabric. As I turn the wheel, I hear my mother's voice in my head "Make sure the needle is down if you're stopping a stitch.". I think of my mom every time I sew. She literally taught me everything I know about sewing. She is quite the amazing woman. She is also the one responsible for teaching me how to cook, take care of children, keep a house, sew, knit, and much much more. And she learned it all from her mother.

I think the art of being a wife and mother is being lost in today's society. Girls are growing up not knowing how to cook, clean, or even sew a button on a shirt. Please don't think I'm a doormat or slave to my husband. I'm not. I gladly serve him. Proverbs 31 doesn't describe the excellent wife as a slave. But it does tell us that an excellent wife knows how, and does in fact, sew, cook, clean, care for her children, run a household, and even run a business (sells clothing) she has made. Because of this passage, I think it is necessary for us moms to be passing all this on to our daughters. How do we expect our girls to know how to be a Godly, excellent wife if we aren't modeling this for them and teaching them? I am so very grateful to my mother and grandmother for being Godly, excellent wives and mothers. I'm not saying we all can be perfect at everything (if you know me, you know that I am not the amazing cook my mother is - it just doesn't come easily to me), but Proverbs 31 sets a standard to strive towards. Even if you don't have a Godly heritage, you can start one for your children. I pray that I continue this heritage and can pass along these skills and abilities to my daughters.

This is a picture of my grandmother holding my baby boy. There is something so incredibly special about watching your grandparent hold your child. Also, you'll notice that my grandma has her nails perfectly painted. While editing this picture, I noticed the nail polish and it made my heart smile.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I continue to admire you as you move through your adult life as a wife and mother. I love the way you treasure your grandmother and your mother. I do not know your grandmother, but I certainly do treasure your mother, and would probably feel the same about your grandmother. Love, JoAnna Umlauf >Y<
